From confused to empowered:
unlock bliss, purpose and true sisterhood. For less than £3 a day.

Transform Your Life with Unconventional Wisdom and Unmatched Support in This Exclusive Membership Designed Just for You

There is TRULY nothing else like it for Muslim women

Does this sound like you…

And you want to be…

My work has been commanded by

That’s why I’ve worked HARD to build the Homemaker’s Elite. For less than £3 a day, you can really build the life you deserve to be embracing.

What do our members say…

Sister H went from 7 years of constant disagreements, bickering, resentment and just ONE MONTH into the membership..

She implemented the skills and tools and has had the MOST PEACEFUL 2 months of her marriage with her husband…

“Whenever you need a wake up call, whenever you’re looking for information or just confused, you have the membership,

Even if you’re sad or upset.

 The membership can be your comfort. It shows you a lot of discipline, straight to the point and it’s not sugar-coated. 

It’s the truth and just the honest truth. I had a lot of ‘ah-ha’ momens,  Umm Dawud mention issues that are so relatable, and then provides you with practical solutions”

Sister, M from the US.

I then took her ultimate wife course, as a single woman to do this prior to marriage is something I recommend for everyone as it taught me exactly who I was and what I wanted from a marriage/spouse. I learnt ways of having a healthy marriage but understanding & accepting both roles. It’s all audio so very easy to follow & listen to whilst doing daily tasks. It took me 2 days to go though the course that’s how invested I was, it’s not boring at all by far it’s the most interesting, helpful and informative course out there. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to work on themselves or in their marriage. I often find myself going back to the course at moments I need reminding so it’s not a course you would only use once. It will help throughout different situations in your life and we all need reminders. It’s the only course I know of that is highly recommended by many scholars and I couldn’t thank umm dawud enough for the well.

Sister, A from the UK.

Jzk Sister Umm Dawud you have really re affirmed so much and gave me a lot of stuff to consider and implement in my day to day life. May Allah reward you abundantly.

Sister U, from London, UK.

The way @Umm Dawud explains things subhanAllah, it’s like a light bulb moment, like so simple but effective. May Allah reward you sis ameen. The course has really helped develop me as a muslimah. May Allah keep guiding us and open doors of goodness for us all ameen

Sister I, from Denmark.

‘Make the investment… It will truly humble you.’ 

‘You will learn to love to grow. I am not married yet but the advice has been truly eye opening…’ 

Sister I, from the UAE.

I’m single, before the membership I had a lot of stress about marriage because of the relationships I had seen growing up, but this membership showed me how to maintain a healthy relationship with a spouse and made me realize, it’s actually possible! You just need the work & effort to maintain it and this course made it so much easier, Umm Dawud made it feel like a close friend advising and helping you. I really appreciated how she made a safe sisterhood for us to become not just better spouses, but better in the eyes of Allah. I’ve never been in other memberships but this one will be attached to my heart. If you want to join this membership, it will elevate you and be a great benefit for your deen and dunya, may Allah reward Umm Dawud

Sister, S from the USA.

I finished your marriage course not too long back and I was honestly hooked! The way everything was delivered just opened my eyes to a whole other perspective regarding marriage. amazing advice and would totally recommend!
may Allah immensely reward you for the financial support, may everything I learn and will advise others on, be a sadaqah jaariya for you


Sister, Y from Germany.

Salam Umm Dawud I attended your session today at the Maryam centre and felt like someone really understood the way Muslim women like myself think and the dilemma we find ourselves in. As someone who grew up in an all female household I struggle or get defensive when hearing male scholars discuss roles of women and women’s rights. Hearing you today really felt like there’s a space for young women to learn and grow in Islam. I particularly resonated with your mention of the influence of culture, the marriages of the prophet saws and the respect and importance a homemaker has. I was the one with the question on divorced parents and failed marriages. It’s very hard to find resources, especially as someone with wavering faith and a family of mixed religious practices. But I learnt today that I just need to work on myself and my ‘man and Allah will help me. it sounds obvious, but sometimes being reminded really helps Jzk Zahra.

Sister Z, From London, UK

Who Am I?

First of all, I’m a sister just like you. I get it. I’ve faced the same struggles.
Growing up in the West, I know the exact challenges you’re facing…

When I first got married, I was bombarded with terrible advice:

None of it was rooted in the Quran or Sunnah, and it left me confused.

I felt like a stranger within my own religion, wanting to do better but not knowing how.
I longed to be elegant, productive, and live with purpose… but I didn’t know where to start.

So I dove deep into learning.

I completed my master’s, and by the will of Allah, I read, studied, and sought knowledge.

Now, I’ve gained an abundance of wisdom, and I’ve learned how to:

And I can teach you to do the same.

I’m a fully accredited relationship coach (CTAA recognised) and a dedicated student of knowledge.

I’ve taken numerous classes on marriage, relationships, the unique dynamics between men and women, self-development, habit-building, and more.

Now, I’m compiling it all into something digestible, applicable, and sustainable for you.

All this—over £10,000 worth of classes, knowledge, and wisdom—for just £3 a day.

You will be proud of who you become.

What Do You Get in the Homemaker’s Elite?

But wait… here’s some BONUSES…

But wait… there’s more…

Here’s a bonus worth more than £3000…


Join Quarterly

(billed every 3 months)

TOTAL VALUE: £10,000
Access for: £222
Access today for ONLY £75

Become an Elite Annual Member

(save £210)

Access for: £678
Access today for ONLY: £270

Frequently asked questions

Homemaker’s Elite is a private membership community designed for Muslim women who want to grow, transform, and thrive in all aspects of life, including personal development, homemaking, marriage, and spirituality. We offer exclusive, faith-based guidance to help you navigate the challenges of modern life with wisdom and strength.

This membership is perfect for   Muslim women   who are:

- Single and preparing for marriage.

- Married and looking to strengthen their relationship and bring peace into their home.

- Seeking personal growth, a deeper connection with their faith, and a supportive community of like-minded sisters.

You can join Homemaker’s Elite for   less than £3 a day  . That’s a small investment for a lifetime of transformation, fulfillment, and growth.

Homemaker’s Elite is   faith-centered   and designed specifically for   Muslim women  . We combine Islamic wisdom with modern strategies to help you grow spiritually, emotionally, and personally. You won’t just get content – you’ll get a   supportive community   of sisters who are all striving for the same goal: to live fulfilling lives rooted in faith and purpose.

Many of our members see a shift in their mindset and relationships within the   first few weeks  . The key is to stay committed, apply what you learn, and engage with the community. Whether you’re working on your marriage, preparing for marriage, or growing personally, the tools and support we offer lead to real, lasting changes.

Absolutely! Homemaker’s Elite is designed for both single and married sisters. If you’re preparing for marriage, you’ll gain the wisdom, mindset, and tools to   build a strong foundation   before you even step into it.

All the content – from videos to workbooks and discussion prompts – is available   online   in the member’s area. You can access everything at your own pace, making it easy to fit into your busy life.

We understand, and that’s why we’ve made the membership as affordable as possible –   less than £3 a day. Remember, this is an INVESTMENT. You’re investing into a better life, a better akhira, stronger relationships and that is priceless. f you can, consider asking your husband to support this investment. It’s not just for you – it’s for the betterment of your home and your family.

Simply click the   ‘Join Now’ button below, choose either the   quarterly   or   annual plan  , and you’ll get instant access to the membership and all the amazing content waiting for you!

We’ve structured Homemaker’s Elite on quarterly and annual plans because real, lasting transformation takes time. In just three months, you’ll begin to see a shift in your mindset, habits, and relationships if you stay committed. The quarterly and annual options ensure you have the time and resources to deeply engage with the content and make meaningful changes. Plus, committing to these longer plans gives you the best value for your investment and guarantees that you have continued support along the way.

As an annual member, you will get:
- A discounted rate
- A compilatory session with Umm Dawud
- Access to Any Recordings of Umm Dawud’s external events
- Extra resources and support
- A gift package shipped to by from Umm Dawud

When you show up as the best version of yourself, everyone around your benefits. Your husband will see the difference. Your children will feel the peace. Your friends will ask what’s happened to you?! And most importantly, you’ll feel internal peace and be proud of the woman you’re becoming.

If you’re truly ready to break free from feeling stuck, embrace growth, and invite bliss and fulfilment into your life… commit today.
Your transformation is waiting—don’t hesitate.

Join Homemaker’s Elite Today

Whether you choose the quarterly or annul membership, the results are undeniable. You’ll start to see shifts in your mindset, your home, and your relationships – and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.